ESB2023 Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities
We are excited to announce that the 33rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Biomaterials which will take place from September 4th to 8th 2023 in Davos, Switzerland.
Established in 1976, ESB meetings attract a wide multidisciplinary group of participants and bring together researchers from various fields spanning chemistry, physics, biology, (bio)material science, tissue engineering and medicine. As a sponsor of the meeting, you can address a varied audience as well as understand the current needs and trends in these fields. ESB conferences are a unique opportunity to share your most recent technological developments in terms of tools and services. ESB2023 provides the most important platform to foster innovative and collaborative thinking in these fields. As a result, this meeting is the ideal place to find new collaborators to develop the technological advances of tomorrow. With over 1000 participants expected from all over the world, ESB2023 is the prime event to reach the Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine scientific community.
ESB2023 Conference is excited to offer sponsoring opportunities. A commercial exhibition will be held as a central feature of the ESB2023 Conference during the entire duration from 13:00 on Monday 4th until 13:00 on Friday 8th September. There will be 2-3 areas for exhibition as detailed in the attached conference maps on pages 3 and 4 and on All participants must pass through the exhibition corridor to gain access to the lecture halls and must pass through the main exhibition hall to enter the main lecture room, where all plenary lectures will be held. Coffee breaks, daily lunch and networking areas will be held within the main exhibition areas. Exhibition spaces are limited and will be allocated on a sponsorship level basis (detailed below) and within each level a first-come, first-served basis (multiple choices are available).
The organizing committee remains available to discuss additional tailored packages for sponsors with particular requirements.
Contract for Sponsors/Exhibitors
The ESB2023 congress, upon written acceptance of this Application and Contract, is to assign sponsorship and/or exhibit space to the applicant under all of the terms, conditions, and requirements as stated below. The Applicant applies for the following categories; multiple selections possible. Exhibition stands and sponsorship opportunities will be allocated on a first come, first served basis subject to availability within each category.
Each Sponsoring Category includes the following benefits:
- Company name, logo and sponsoring category in the final program
- Inclusion in the listing on the welcome sponsor sign
- Company name, logo, sponsoring category & link to homepage on the ESB2023 website
- Allowance to place job adverts on the conference job adverts poster board
In addition to these basic benefits, additional benefits apply, as listed for each category.
Contact: Mr Ulrich Bentz at
ESB2023 Platinum Sponsor
CHF 20’000, for 1 company
- Four exhibitor registrations (access to scientific sessions, opening reception, conference dinner, daily lunch, coffee breaks)
- Four exhibitor staff badges for company staff (including daily lunch, coffee breaks)
- Up to 20 m2 exhibition booth space (including 1 table, 2 chairs, and electric socket extension)
- Priority choice of exhibition booth location
- Priority on the opportunity to sponsor speakers or satellite events, such as symposia, or lunch symposia
- Sponsor logo on Conference Announcements/Advertisements
- Sponsor logo and URL on Conference Website, as Platinum sponsor
- Sponsor advertisement on Conference Website
- Sponsor may send one follow up communication to delegates post-event through the ESB society, no electronic list will be provided in compliance with GDPR
Additional furniture or technical equipment/help may be arranged upon request
ESB2023 Gold Sponsor
CHF 15’000, for up to 3 companies
- Two exhibitor registrations (access to scientific sessions, opening reception, conference dinner, daily lunch, coffee breaks)
- Three exhibitor staff badges for company staff (including daily lunch, coffee breaks)
- Up to 12m2 exhibition booth space (including 1 table, 2 chairs, and electric socket extension)
- * Second choice of exhibition booth location, after Platinum sponsor
- Second priority on the opportunity to sponsor speakers or satellite events, such as symposia, or lunch symposia, after Platinum sponsor
- Sponsor logo on Conference Announcements/Advertisements
- Sponsor logo and URL on Conference Website, as Gold sponsor
- Sponsor advertisement on Conference Website
- Sponsor may send one follow up communication to delegates post-event through ESB2023 organizers, no electronic list will be provided in compliance with GDPR
Additional furniture or technical equipment/help may be arranged upon request
* First come first served basis from the possible three Gold sponsors
ESB2023 Silver Sponsor
CHF 12’000, for up to 10 companies
- One exhibitor registration (access to all scientific sessions, opening reception, conference dinner, daily lunch, coffee breaks)
- Two exhibitor staff badges for company staff (including daily lunch, coffee breaks)
- Up to 9m2 exhibition booth space (including 1 table, 2 chairs, and electric socket extension)
- *Third choice of exhibition booth location, after Platinum and Gold sponsors
- Sponsor logo and URL on Conference Website, as Silver sponsor
* First come first served basis from the possible 10 Silver sponsors
ESB2023 Bronze Sponsor
CHF 6’000, several available
- Two exhibitor staff badges for company staff (including daily lunch, coffee breaks)
- Up to 6m2 exhibition booth space (including 1 table, 2 chairs, and electric socket extension)
- Exhibition booth location delegated by organizers
- Sponsor logo and URL on Conference Website, as Bronze sponsor
ESB2023 Publisher Stand
CHF 5’000, several available
- Two exhibitor staff badges for company staff (including daily lunch, coffee breaks)
- Up to 6m2 exhibition booth space (including 1 table, 2 chairs, and electric socket extension)
- Exhibition booth location delegated by organizers
- Publisher logo and URL on Conference Website, as Publisher
Publishers are invited to display books and journals for sale at the conference, and we will be creating a special area for this purpose.
Other sponsorship opportunities
- Welcome Reception: price on request
On Monday, 4th September 2023, there will be a Welcome Reception for all registered participants. Interested companies have the opportunity to sponsor this event, which will take place in the exhibition area. This happening has superior visibility and it offers a perfect networking opportunity. The sponsor will obtain:
- Company logo on the catering tables
- Roll-ups (supplied by the company) will be displayed in the exhibition area
- 2 complimentary invitations to Welcome reception
- Oral acknowledgement by the conference chairs during the Welcome reception
- Acknowledgement in the final program and on the conference official website
- Start-ups
Special condition can be arranged for start-ups. Please contact the organisers.
- Gala Dinner: price on request
Sponsoring the Gala Dinner will be a memorable event and it provide the company with an opportunity to interact with all delegates. The sponsor will obtain extreme visibility:
- Company logo on the menu card
- Oral acknowledgement from conference chairs
- Acknowledgement in the final program and on the conference official website
- 4 tickets to the Gala Dinner
- YSF night out: price on request
On Wednesday, 6th September 2023, the YSF (Young Scientists Forum) night out will take place. We welcome sponsors to support this event which is always extremely well attended (it was always sold out in the last editions of the conference), and which will give sponsors very high visibility, especially among investigators below 40 years of age. The sponsor will obtain:
- Visibility with roll-ups (supplied by the company) that will be displayed at the event
- Oral acknowledgement during the event
- Acknowledgement during conference opening and closing, as well as in the final program and on the conference official website
- The conference organization will consider further sponsoring requests
Sponsors can rent additional material directly from the Congress Center, please see For any additional info please contact Mr Ulrich Bentz at
Exhibition and lecture room plans

ESB2023 Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities
We are excited to announce that the 33rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Biomaterials which will take place from September 4th to 8th 2023 in Davos, Switzerland.
Established in 1976, ESB meetings attract a wide multidisciplinary group of participants and bring together researchers from various fields spanning chemistry, physics, biology, (bio)material science, tissue engineering and medicine. As a sponsor of the meeting, you can address a varied audience as well as understand the current needs and trends in these fields. ESB conferences are a unique opportunity to share your most recent technological developments in terms of tools and services. ESB2023 provides the most important platform to foster innovative and collaborative thinking in these fields. As a result, this meeting is the ideal place to find new collaborators to develop the technological advances of tomorrow. With over 1000 participants expected from all over the world, ESB2023 is the prime event to reach the Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine scientific community.
ESB2023 Conference is excited to offer sponsoring opportunities. A commercial exhibition will be held as a central feature of the ESB2023 Conference during the entire duration from 13:00 on Monday 4th until 13:00 on Friday 8th September. There will be 2-3 areas for exhibition as detailed in the attached conference maps on pages 3 and 4 and on All participants must pass through the exhibition corridor to gain access to the lecture halls and must pass through the main exhibition hall to enter the main lecture room, where all plenary lectures will be held. Coffee breaks, daily lunch and networking areas will be held within the main exhibition areas. Exhibition spaces are limited and will be allocated on a sponsorship level basis (detailed below) and within each level a first-come, first-served basis (multiple choices are available).
The organizing committee remains available to discuss additional tailored packages for sponsors with particular requirements.
Contract for Sponsors/Exhibitors
The ESB2023 congress, upon written acceptance of this Application and Contract, is to assign sponsorship and/or exhibit space to the applicant under all of the terms, conditions, and requirements as stated below. The Applicant applies for the following categories; multiple selections possible. Exhibition stands and sponsorship opportunities will be allocated on a first come, first served basis subject to availability within each category.
Each Sponsoring Category includes the following benefits:
- Company name, logo and sponsoring category in the final program
- Inclusion in the listing on the welcome sponsor sign
- Company name, logo, sponsoring category & link to homepage on the ESB2023 website
- Allowance to place job adverts on the conference job adverts poster board
In addition to these basic benefits, additional benefits apply, as listed for each category.
Contact: Mr Ulrich Bentz at
ESB2023 Platinum Sponsor
CHF 20’000, for 1 company
- Four exhibitor registrations (access to scientific sessions, opening reception, conference dinner, daily lunch, coffee breaks)
- Four exhibitor staff badges for company staff (including daily lunch, coffee breaks)
- Up to 20 m2 exhibition booth space (including 1 table, 2 chairs, and electric socket extension)
- Priority choice of exhibition booth location
- Priority on the opportunity to sponsor speakers or satellite events, such as symposia, or lunch symposia
- Sponsor logo on Conference Announcements/Advertisements
- Sponsor logo and URL on Conference Website, as Platinum sponsor
- Sponsor advertisement on Conference Website
- Sponsor may send one follow up communication to delegates post-event through the ESB society, no electronic list will be provided in compliance with GDPR
Additional furniture or technical equipment/help may be arranged upon request
ESB2023 Gold Sponsor
CHF 15’000, for up to 3 companies
- Two exhibitor registrations (access to scientific sessions, opening reception, conference dinner, daily lunch, coffee breaks)
- Three exhibitor staff badges for company staff (including daily lunch, coffee breaks)
- Up to 12m2 exhibition booth space (including 1 table, 2 chairs, and electric socket extension)
- * Second choice of exhibition booth location, after Platinum sponsor
- Second priority on the opportunity to sponsor speakers or satellite events, such as symposia, or lunch symposia, after Platinum sponsor
- Sponsor logo on Conference Announcements/Advertisements
- Sponsor logo and URL on Conference Website, as Gold sponsor
- Sponsor advertisement on Conference Website
- Sponsor may send one follow up communication to delegates post-event through ESB2023 organizers, no electronic list will be provided in compliance with GDPR
Additional furniture or technical equipment/help may be arranged upon request
* First come first served basis from the possible three Gold sponsors
ESB2023 Silver Sponsor
CHF 12’000, for up to 10 companies
One exhibitor registration (access to all scientific sessions, opening reception, conference dinner, daily lunch, coffee breaks)
- Two exhibitor staff badges for company staff (including daily lunch, coffee breaks)
- Up to 9m2 exhibition booth space (including 1 table, 2 chairs, and electric socket extension)
- *Third choice of exhibition booth location, after Platinum and Gold sponsors
- Sponsor logo and URL on Conference Website, as Silver sponsor
* First come first served basis from the possible 10 Silver sponsors
ESB2023 Bronze Sponsor
CHF 6’000, several available
- Two exhibitor staff badges for company staff (including daily lunch, coffee breaks)
- Up to 6m2 exhibition booth space (including 1 table, 2 chairs, and electric socket extension)
- Exhibition booth location delegated by organizers
- Sponsor logo and URL on Conference Website, as Bronze sponsor
ESB2023 Publisher Stand
CHF 5’000, several available
- Two exhibitor staff badges for company staff (including daily lunch, coffee breaks)
- Up to 6m2 exhibition booth space (including 1 table, 2 chairs, and electric socket extension)
- Exhibition booth location delegated by organizers
- Publisher logo and URL on Conference Website, as Publisher
Publishers are invited to display books and journals for sale at the conference, and we will be creating a special area for this purpose.
Other sponsorship opportunities
- Welcome Reception: price on request
On Monday, 4th September 2023, there will be a Welcome Reception for all registered participants. Interested companies have the opportunity to sponsor this event, which will take place in the exhibition area. This happening has superior visibility and it offers a perfect networking opportunity. The sponsor will obtain:
- Company logo on the catering tables
- Roll-ups (supplied by the company) will be displayed in the exhibition area
- 2 complimentary invitations to Welcome reception
- Oral acknowledgement by the conference chairs during the Welcome reception
- Acknowledgement in the final program and on the conference official website
- Start-ups
Special condition can be arranged for start-ups. Please contact the organisers.
- Gala Dinner: price on request
Sponsoring the Gala Dinner will be a memorable event and it provide the company with an opportunity to interact with all delegates. The sponsor will obtain extreme visibility:
- Company logo on the menu card
- Oral acknowledgement from conference chairs
- Acknowledgement in the final program and on the conference official website
- 4 tickets to the Gala Dinner
- YSF night out: price on request
On Wednesday, 6th September 2023, the YSF (Young Scientists Forum) night out will take place. We welcome sponsors to support this event which is always extremely well attended (it was always sold out in the last editions of the conference), and which will give sponsors very high visibility, especially among investigators below 40 years of age. The sponsor will obtain:
- Visibility with roll-ups (supplied by the company) that will be displayed at the event
- Oral acknowledgement during the event
- Acknowledgement during conference opening and closing, as well as in the final program and on the conference official website
- The conference organization will consider further sponsoring requests
Sponsors can rent additional material directly from the Congress Center, please see For any additional info please contact Mr Ulrich Bentz at
Exhibition and lecture room plans